The following are red flags in a child’s development that can prevent a child from learning. If you notice any red flags contact ECI at (915) 534-4324 or fill out an online referral.

- Cannot bend arms or legs
- Does not smile, move or look at you when you talk or play with her
- Does not want to be held
- Does not make sounds by 3 months
- Does not babble by 6 months

- Temper tantrums that last 20 minutes or longer
- Breaks things on purpose
- Hurts or bites other people
- Does not look at you when you call her name
- Does not play with toys
- Flaps hands, rocks or sways over and over
- Does not point at objects he wants
- Not talking by 12 months

Any Age
- Is fussy or cries a lot, even when not tired or hungry
- Has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
- Does not notice people
- Is unhappy most of the time
- Quits talking or babbling, loses social skills